Sudents of the month of May 2016 Activity

Washburn School congratulates the following students that have been selected students of the month of May  2016.

The students will be recognized on:
Wednesday, May 4th, 2016

Time: 8:30 AM

Washburn Community Center

Parents can take pictures and bring a present to their child.




Raymond A. Vega McDonald


Andree G. Rodríguez Soto

1st Grade

Liah Carmona Torres

2nd Grade

Daniel Falcón Torres

3rd Grade

Annelise Báez Williams

4th Grade

Taysha Sánchez González

5th Grade

Giordano Santiago González

6th Grade

Luis F. Torres Almodóvar

7th Grade

Oscar Santiago García

8th Grade

Valeria Colón Quíles

9th Grade

José M. Torres Alicea

10th Grade

Cristina García Castro

11th Grade

Tzunami Santiago Pagán

12th Grade

                               Angel F. Colón Avilés
