Students of the month of May and August 2014 Activity

8:30 AM

Washburn School congratulates the following students that have been selected students of the month of May and August 2014.

The students will be recognized on:
Wednesday, August 27th, 2014
Time: 8:30 AM
Washburn Community Center

Parents can take pictures and bring a present to their child.

Students of the month of May 2014

Grade                            Student
Pre-kinder                      Karielys A. Ruperto
Kindergarten                  Leibysand Correa
1st grade                       Joen Rivera
2nd Gold                        Estefanía González
2nd  Blue                       Carlos Alicea
3rd grade                      Jean P. Ortiz
4th grade                       Solymar A. Urquiza
5th grade                       Nilany Velázquez
6th grade                       Amanda Meléndez
8th Blue                         Cristina García
9th grade                       Valeria Maldonado
10th grade                     Luis A. Rivera
11th grade                    Jean C. Ortiz

Students of the month of August 2014

Pre-kinder                      Gustavo Cruz
Kindergarten                  Andrés Rodríguez
1st grade                        Fabián González
2nd grade                      Camila Robles
3rd grade Gold              Alex Lugo Soler
3rd grade Blue               Amanda Rivera
4th grade                       Naia Melendez
5th grade                       Janesh Soto
6th grade                      Alejandra Gómez
7th grade                      Luis A. Vázquez
8th grade                      Ian Guillén
9th grade                      Giormarie Rodiguez
10th grade                    Joseph Chamorro
11th grade                    Jonathan Vives
12th grade                    Jean C. Ortiz