Students of the month of April and May 2017 Activity

The students will be recognized on: 
Wednesday, April 26th, 2017
Time: 8:30 AM 
Washburn Community Center

Parents can take pictures and bring a present to their child.


Students of the Month of  April and May  2017


Students of the Month

April 2017





Mauricio Rodríguez Soto


David J. Santiago Rodríguez

First grade

Gustavo Cruz Torres

Second grade

Javier A. Urquiza Pérez

Third grade

Daniel E. Falcón Torres

Fourth grade

Keydalis Rosaly Negrón

Firth grade

Taína A. Salazar

Sixth grade

Karol I. Pagán Pagán

Seventh grade

Nashaly Vega

Eight grade

Valeria Texeira Santiago

Ninth grade

Abdiel Lafontaine Escalera

Tenth grade

Samuel Torres Torres

Eleventh grade

Adriel Soto Moreu

Twelfth grade

Samuel Santiago León



Students of the Month

May 2017 





Arwen Pagán de Jesús


Gian M. Santiago Valera

First grade

Andree G. Rodríguez Soto

Second grade

Angelina Sittig

Third grade

Gadriel E. Reyes Cedeño

Fourth grade

Alan Martell Segarra

Firth grade

Grace Pagán Sobhan

Sixth grade

Ryan M. Gómez Ramírez

Seventh grade

Janesh Soto Moreu

Eight grade

Yerneliz Lafontaine Escalera

Ninth grade

Valeria Colón Quiles

Tenth grade

Paola López Dominguez

Eleventh grade

Nathaniel Alvarez Toledo

Twelfth grade

Orlando Vives Correa



