Graduation Requirements » Academic Integrity Guidelines

Academic Integrity Guidelines


Academic Integrity Guidelines


Academic integrity involves adhering to the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility in all facets of the learning process. Washburn School strives to provide students with the knowledge, skills, judgment, and wisdom they need to function in society. Students are expected to take responsibility for their learning and experience the pride that accompanies academic achievement. 


Academic Integrity Guidelines


Students assume full responsibility for the content and integrity of the work they submit. The following are guidelines to assist students in observing academic integrity:

  • Students must do their own work and submit only their own work on assignments (including homework), tests, and projects.
  • Students may collaborate or cooperate with other students on graded assignments or tests as directed by the teacher.


Forms of Academic Dishonesty


Actions constituting violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Plagiarism: the use of another's words, ideas, data, or product without appropriate acknowledgment and then submitting it as one's own.
  • Cheating: the use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information, or study aids; or an act of deceit by which a student attempts to misrepresent academic skills or knowledge; unauthorized copying or collaboration. Copying another student's homework without direction or approval from the teacher is considered cheating 
  • Academic Misconduct: the intentional violation of school policies, such as tampering with grades or taking part in obtaining or distributing any part of a test or any information about the test.


Responding to Academic Dishonesty


  • Corrective action is administered by the Academic Director. 
  • The minimum consequence for academic dishonesty is no credit for the assignment or test and parent/guardian notification.
  • Repeated violation of this policy will result in the students’ long-term suspension from the course and the student will receive an F grade.
  • Offenses are cumulative.
  • Academic integrity is one of the requirements for receiving any academic award.


Academic Dishonesty Complaint Procedures


  • Following an investigation, a teacher may resolve an incident informally by determining an appropriate course of action, which may include a verbal or written warning.  If formal disciplinary action is necessary, an academic dishonesty incident report will be completed by the teacher the report will describe the students action and any supporting facts of the violation.


  • The teacher and Academic Director will meet with the student and present the academic dishonesty incident report. The student will be given an opportunity to respond to the accusation. The teacher, in consultation with the Academic Director, determines if disciplinary action will be taken and its severity. If disciplinary action is taken, the academic dishonesty report will be referred to an administrator and the students parent/guardian notified of the action. Completed academic dishonesty incident reports will be placed in a student’s discipline file.