Students of the month of December 2014 Activity

8:30 AM
Washburn School congratulates the following students that have been selected students of the month of December 2014.
The students will be recognized on:
Wednesday, January 14th, 2015

Time: 8:30 AM

Washburn Community Center

Parents can take pictures and bring a present to their child.

Pre-Kinder                                   Dariel F. Rivera Ruperto
Kinder                                         Janlouis Colón Pagán
1st Grade                                    Pablo De Jesús Jiménez
2nd Grade                                   Annelise Báez Williams
3rd Gold                                      Miranda Chamorro Jímenez
3rd Blue                                      Eduardo Matos De Jesús
4th Grade                                   Ryan Gómez Ramirez
5th Grade                                   Alejandra Tirado Coya
6th Grade                                   Amy Pagán Sobhan
7th Grade                                   Yadzía Velázquez Guadalupe
8th Grade                                   Paola López Dominguez
9th Grade                                   Cristina García Castro
10th Grade                                 André Colón Avilés
11th Grade                                 Angel Colón Avilés
12th Grade                                 Gabriel García Castro
