Curriculum » Second Grade Curriculum

Second Grade Curriculum


Addition and subtraction strategies, Problem solving and its applications throughout the curriculum, Areas and perimeters, Strategies for estimation, Manipulatives, Fractions, Class number grids, Reading a clock; hours, half hours and quarters hours


Reading theme based fiction, including tall tales, myths and legends, reading and writing poetry, writing sentence, stories, reports, letter, journals, writing a research report on a Native American tribe, capitalization, punctuation, word choice, part of speech plurals, synonyms, antonyms, homophones, story-writing, use of dictionary, table of contents, index, oral book reports, group discussions, class assembly, oral reading.


Weather: air, water and heat, the water cycle and weather instruments, The Earth’s rotation, Planetary characteristics and celestial current events, Significant places, events and people in geological time, Hands-on planting experiences, The life cycle of plants and photo synthesis, The states of matter, Solution and crystal growth, The magnetic poles, Building a model that incorporates all six simple machines, Characteristic and classification of animals, Basic human anatomy (the circulatory and muscular system)


American history; important historical figures, timeline of major events, Native Americans and pioneers (one room schoolhouse unit), US geography: states, major cities, major lakes and rivers, World geography: continents, oceans, equator, Daily geography questions; maps, using legends and the compass rose, Various cultures: legends, folk tales, special guests, Current events, Scholastic news, Community service

We also offer these extra classes: Music, Physical Education, and Computer.