Books and materials must be brought to school before the first day of classes

To avoid traffic congestion, we are asking parents to bring to the school their children books and materials’ before the first day of school.

We will be receiving in the main office the books and materials during the week of July 29th to August 2nd on specific dates assigned by grades. Parents should identify their children's belongings with their name and grade. School staff will take them to their respective classrooms where they will be properly accommodated by the teachers.

The dates assigned by grades are as follows:

Monday July 29th, 2013 – We will be receiving books and materials only for Pre-K and Kindergarten students.
Tuesday, July 30th  and Wednesday July 31st , 2013 – We will be receiving  books and materials only for 1st through 6th grade students.

Thursday August 1st and Friday August 2nd, 2013 - We will be receiving books and materials only for 7th to 11th grade students.

Remember, you cannot bring the books and materials the first day of school as this causes traffic congestion in the areas where students are dropped off in the morning.

If you cannot bring the books and materials during the assigned dates, you can bring them during the first week of classes only from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM. (Parents will need to coordinate with the main office to leave the materials  during  this schedule).
Posted on 7/22/2013
