9th to 12th Grade (High School)
Washburn School High School
Graduation Requirements
Total 28 Credits (Minimum) + 40 hours of Community Service
• English 4 credits
• Spanish 4 credits or one credit per year of enrollment
• Social Studies 4 credits, including World History, US History, PR History
• Mathematics 4 credits, including Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry
• Science 4 credits, including Biology, Chemistry, Physics
• Physical Education 2 credits
• Computer 1 credit
• Health .5 credit
• Speech .5 credit
• Electives 4 credits (minimum)
Grading Scale:
A - 90-100 - 4.00
B+ - 87-89 - 3.50
B - 80-86 - 3.00
C+ - 77-79 - 2.50
C - 70-76 - 2.00
D - 65-69 - 1.00
F - 0-64 - 0.00
- In order to graduate a student must approve every course with a minimum grade of 65%.
- If a student earns an F he/she can retake the course during summer school at an accredited institution.
- If a student earns more than two F's in a year the student will have to repeat the grade.
Repeating Courses Policy
- Students who have earned a grade of 64 (F) or lower in a course have to repeat the course in order to earn the required credit. The F is not removed from the record and both grades are used in computing the GPA.
- Courses in which a grade of 65-69 (D) is earned can also be repeated, but only once, with both the original and new grades included in the cumulative grade-point average.
- Courses in which a grade of C or higher is earned may not be repeated for inclusion in the cumulative grade-point average.