Washburn School Garden - Huertos Escolares

At Washburn we seek to show children how to grow a variety of foods – vegetables, fruits, legumes,

Benefits :

  • Demonstrate to children how to improve a diet with home grown foods
  • Enhance school meals with micronutrient-rich fruits and vegetables
  • Promote horticultural skills 

    ·         Consuming specific vegetables can have a marked effect on children’s health;


    ·         Growing and preparing garden food at school increases children’s preferences for healthy fruit and vegetables;


    ·          Food gardening, combined with nutrition education, results in voluntary changes in diet;


    ·         Gardening activities, especially with organic approaches, improve children’s understanding of and attitudes to the natural environment;


    ·         Hands-on learning and learning by doing induce a much higher retention rate than ‘chalk and talk’

