To avoid traffic congestion, we are asking parents to bring to the school their children books and materials’ before the first day of school.


The teachers will be receiving the books and materials in their classrooms on Friday, August 7th, 2015 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Parents should identify their children's belongings with their name and grade.

Remember, you won't be able to bring them the first day of school as this causes traffic congestion in the areas where students are dropped off in the morning. If you cannot bring the books and materials during the assigned date, you can bring them during the first week of classes from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM only. (Parents will need to coordinate with the main office to leave the materials during this schedule).


padlock and keys for the locker

We are also asking parents with students in Kinder through 12th grade to buy a small padlock with two keys for the locker. Parents must bring to the teacher on Friday, August 7th, 2015 the padlock (which will remain in the classroom for the assigned locker) and the key (that will remain in the office) in a small envelope properly identified with the name and grade of the student. If possible, please write the name or initials on the lock. We will not accept loose keys or locks; they should be in an envelope.


Important:   The student’s key must be sent with your child the first day of classes.


Candado y llaves para los“lockers”


Los estudiantes de Kinder a 12mo grado necesitarán un candado pequeño con dos llaves para los “lockers”. Una copia de la llave es para el estudiante y la otra permanecerá en la oficina. Los padres deben traerle a la maestra el viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015 el candado (que permanecerá en el salón en el locker asignado) y LA LLAVE (que permanecerá en la oficina) en un sobre pequeño debidamente identificado con el nombre, apellidos y grado del estudiante Si se puede, favor de ponerle nombre o las iniciales al candado. No se aceparán candados ni llaves sueltas, deberán estar en un sobre.


Recuerden que la copia de la llave del estudiante debe ser enviada con sus hijos el primer día de clases.


Posted: August 3rd, 2015
