High School » High School Success Stories

High School Success Stories

Learn about some of the many Washburn School success stories from our current students and some of our graduates who studied with us!f

Story #1: Valeria Maldonado (2017 Senior)

  • Started at Washburn School: 2004 in Kindergarten
  • Acceptances: St Lawrence University, Iowa State, Boston University
  • Committed to: St. Lawrence University in New York
  • Awards: $253,200 in scholarships, grants, and funding from St. Lawrence University 


English: The return on investment of studying at a college preparatory, total English immersion K-12 school like Washburn in Ponce, Puerto Rico is priceless! Valeria Maldonado has been with us at Washburn School for thirteen (13) years since kindergarten (2004-2017)! She recently committed to St. Lawrence University in New York, where she obtained scholarships and grants that amount to over $253,000 over her four-year bachelor's degree!

Other students have been offered academic and athletic scholarships in the United States that amount to above $300,000 in Florida, Missouri, Massachusetts, Ohio, New York, New Mexico, Iowa, and Indiana!

Spanish Translation :
Valeria Maldonado ha sido estudiante de nuestro colegio desde Kindergarten hasta duodécimo grado; exactamente 13 años (2004-2017). ¡Recientemente confirmó que va a asistir a la St. Lawrence University en Nueva York, donde obtuvo becas que ascienden a más de $253,000 durante su bachillerato! ¡El retorno de la inversión de estudiar en un colegio que prepara para la universidad y con un currículo de inmersión total en inglés, como lo es Washburn School en Ponce, Puerto Rico, no tiene límites!

¡A otros estudiantes se les ha ofrecido becas académicas y atléticas en los Estados Unidos que ascienden a más de $300,000, en estados como la Florida, Missouri, Massachusetts, Ohio, Nueva York, Nuevo México, Iowa e Indiana!


"...I'm writing to give you the update I promised from my visit to St. Lawrence University (SLU), with hopes that you can enjoy a little of my experience and maybe pass what I learned and my overall experience in SLU to others. So without further ado, on Thursday, April 20, I arrived in Canton, NY, and was amazed at how different it is from Puerto Rico and the upcoming adventure I was in for. I was received at Saint Lawrence University with open arms. It was truly an emotional moment for me because the only other educational institution that I have been in for basically all of my elementary, middle school, and high school career that has received me with open arms has been Washburn School.

...It was then and there that I began to feel a bit nostalgic. I remembered all the good times, the great people, the caring staff, and the wonderful memories I had been able to create at Washburn.

...What drove my decision to go to college so far away from home was that SLU made it a home away from home in the little time that I was there. Aside from that, it has a great sense of community, diverse student body, and it provides excellent networking connections after graduation. Another aspect that I valued the most was that SLU allows students to explore different fields while pursuing their degree. On this journey, I was still learning more about the world around me and of the university itself, because in every corner there was something new to learn and discover.

...This experience was everything I was looking for, and like Washburn School, St. Lawrence feels like home.

...Finally and as you can see, my experience surpassed my expectations, but I would like to end with a huge thank you to Washburn and personally to you and your family because you have helped build my educational career in more ways than one. You have created an environment where I feel comfortable and have served as a guide whenever I needed one. I owe all of that to Washburn School. So, I urge you to continue with such excellent educational service and with this incredible sense of community and family, because you will see exceptional students pursuing great dreams. I am proud to be a Washburn school student and will proudly be a Washburn Eagle forever."

- Excerpts of letter from Valeria Maldonado to our Educational Development Director and Co-Founder of our High School, Mr. Lopezcepero



Story # 2 - Abelardo Broche Ortiz



ENGLISH: Abelardo Broche Ortiz, 2021 Senior at Washburn School in Ponce, who has been studying at our institution for 12 years, was selected to a highly competitive Science, Technology and Engineering Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where they applied to over 2,300 students from the entire nation. His STEM inspiration, accomplishments, and determination helped Abelardo distinguish himself to be part of the rigorous program.

Abelardo also achieved tremendous results from his 11th grade PSAT, of the 1.7 million 11th grade students who took the test nationwide, Abelardo outperformed over 1.5 million students in his score based on the statistical results from the SAT Suite.

SPANISH  : Abelardo Broche Ortiz, Senior 2021 de Washburn School en Ponce, el cual lleva 12 años estudiando en nuestra institución fue seleccionado a un programa altamente competitivo de ciencias, tecnología y ingeniera de la Universidad Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)donde solicitaron sobre 2,300 estudiantes de toda la nación. Su inspiración por STEM, sus logros y determinación ayudaron a Abelardo distinguirse para ser parte del programa riguroso.Abelardo también logró tremendos resultados de su PSAT en grado 11. De los 1.7 millones de estudiantes de grado 11 que tomaron la prueba en la nación, Abelardo superó a sobre 1.5 millones de estudiantes en su puntuación según los resultados estadísticos de SAT Suite.



Story # 3 - Joseph Chamorro Jimenez




The student chapter Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS), of the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus reached first place overall and the Best in Theme Award, with the Exploration Multi-Purpose Rover for Expanding Surface Science (EMPRESS) project. It is the first multi-purpose lunar vehicle designed by Puerto Rican students.  The purpose is to provide support and serve as a transportation method for the astronauts of the Artemis mission, which is the next NASA project. It will ake the first woman south pole of the moon.


RUM students competed with elite universities in the aerospace field, both in the United States and in other countries, including the Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Maryland, Virginia Tech, University of Illinois, Delft University of Technology, University of Texas at Austin, among others.


Joseph Chamorro, a former Washburn School student and a former Washburn Baseball Academy athlete, has earned honors in his engineering degree and a scholarship sponsored by Lockheed Martin for his academic performance during his first years at RUM. Before selecting UPR Mayaguez as his final destination, he received scholarships from universities in the United States.




El capítulo estudiantil Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS), del Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto de Mayaguez alcanzó el primer lugar overall y el Best in Theme Award, con el proyecto Exploration Multi-Purpose Rover for Expanding Surface Science (EMPRESS). Es el primer vehículo lunar multiusos diseñado por estudiantes puertorriqueños, cuyo fin es dar apoyo y servir como método de transporte para los astronautas de la misión Artemis, que es el próximo proyecto de la NASA, que llevará la primera mujer y el próximo hombre al polo sur de la Luna.

Los estudiantes del RUM compitieron con universidades de élite en el campo aeroespacial, tanto de Estados Unidos como de otros países, incluyendo a Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Maryland, Virginia Tech, University of Illinois, Delft University of Technology, University of Texas at Austin, entre otras.

Joseph Chamorro, ex-estudiante de Washburn School y ex-atleta de Washburn Baseball Academy ha alzado honores en su grado de ingeniería y una beca auspiciado por Lockheed Martin por su desempeno académico durante sus primeros años en el RUM. Antes de seleccionar UPR Mayaguez como su destino final, recibió becas de universidades en los Estados Unidos.



Story # 4 - Gabriel Garcia




Gabriel was part of our first graduating class at Washburn School in 2015 after our establishment in 2003. His parents trusted in our educational program from our start 

and he was accepted to Medical School after graduating with a 3.91 GPA from the Biomedical program at the University of Puerto Rico.



Story # 6 - Idreath Soto Soldevila



Idreath was a 2015 senior who like Gabriel, graduated in the first graduating class at Washburn School. She was accepted into the University of Puerto Rico's Law School.




Story # 6 - Adriel Natan Soto Moreu
