6th Grade Science


6th Grade Science Class 2/24/20

This morning, we read about thermal expansion in solid son page 25. Students answered questions in the notebook independently and then we went over them together as a class. 
We finished the lesson by completing the lesson review on pages 26-27 and revisited the probe on page 5. 

6th Grade Science Class 2/21/20

This morning, we learned about how the particles in gases and in solids move and are affected by heat. We completed pages 19-21.

6th Grade Science Class 2/20/20

This morning, we watched a video about the properties of matter and then we completed the rise activity about water particles on pages 16-18. 

6th Grade Science Class 2/19/20

This morning, we finished the ready, set, collide activity and watched a video about changing states of matter. 
Then, we read the historical text about measuring energy and began to look at how particles move in a liquid when it is heated. 
*There will be a science test on Wednesday, March 4th.

6th Grade Science Class 2/17/20

This morning, we began class with a pop quiz that covered the multiple videos we watched on Friday and the notes we took in the notebook on the states of matter. 
Then, we did the investigation Wait for It on pages 10 and 11. We continued discussing how particles move and have energy on pages 12 and 13. 

6th Grade Science Class 2/13/20

This morning, we completed the lesson review together and then did some practice questions. Then, we went back and re-evaluated our initial thinking on the probe at the beginning of the lesson. 
We moved to Unit 3 and discussed and completed the lesson 1 probe. 

6th Grade Science Class 2/12/20

This morning, we finished reading and discussing sexual reproduction. Then, we read about advantages and disadvantages of both asexual and sexual reproduction. Then, we watched a video that reinforced these two concepts. 
We read the history connection about clone together and then the students answered comprehension questions independently. I will check these tomorrow. We will work on the lesson review tomorrow together.
While students worked on their questions, I met with each one individually to show them their quiz from last week. 
* They will need their unit 3 book starting tomorrow. 

6th Grade Science Class 2/10/20

This morning, we began the next lesson. We watched the phenomenon video about sea stars and then read about how organisms make more organisms and reproduce asexually (pages 32-33). We also completed the inquiry activity to show sexual reproduction and how it differs from asexual. We also watched a video about sea stars and why they are decreasing in population size. 

6th Grade Science Class 2/7/20

This morning, the students completed their quiz and their monster project. 

6th Grade Science Class 2/6/20

The students continued to work on their project. The last opportunity to work on the project will be tomorrow after they finish the quiz. 

6th Grade Science Class 2/5/20

This morning, we continued to work on our punnett square project. Students had opportunities to ask questions and get clarifications on anything they did not understand and receive one on one attention for it. We will be finishing this up tomorrow in class!

*Announcement: Science Fair*

The class science fair will be held April 13-17. I will be grading the experiment binder (50 points) and the oral presentation (50 points). Students should be able to talk about their experiment in front of the class without reading straight from the binder; however, they do not have to memorize every single part.
Focus on the following questions to guide the oral presentation:
What is your experiment about?
What were you testing? 
What did you think would happen?
How did you do it? 
What actually happened? Did it match what you thought?
What did you learn? 
Would you change anything if you did it again? Why or why not?
Did you have fun?
*Visual representations are NOT required, but can be used if desired. 

6th Grade Science Class 2/3/20

This morning, the students began working on their in-class project on Punnett Squares.