2nd Grade Science

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2nd Grade Class 9/6/18

This afternoon, we began the inquiry activity on page 39 of the textbook. we will check our seeds tomorrow. Then, we read pages 40 and 41 together. We talked about how we share some traits with our parents. The students took notes from the board. While they were recording their notes, I met with each student to show them their test score and write it in the back of their science notebook. 

2nd Grade Class 9/5/18

This afternoon, I checked the students' science fair questions. They worked on an in-class project/assessment in which they were required to draw and label an environment. In their environment they needed to draw and label 5 living things and 5 nonliving things. After drawing and labeling, they needed to add color. Tomorrow, we will begin Lesson 3. I will also be putting your child's exam grade in the back of his or her notebook tomorrow. 

2nd Grade Class 9/4/18

The students took Exam 1. There was not enough time to check the science fair question. I will be looking for it tomorrow. 

2nd Grade Class 8/31/18

This afternoon, we reviewed the life cycle of a plant, living things and nonliving things, what a seed needs, and how a plant grows with dry erase papers and markers. We had so much fun! 

2nd Grade Class 8/30/18

This afternoon, we watched videos of animals to eventually compare different living things. I stapled the printed exam 1 review in each child's notebook. 

2nd Grade Class 8/28/18

This afternoon, the students began copying the exam review. Exam 1 is on Tuesday, September 4th.  They will finish tomorrow in class. While they copied, I individually checked each student's topic and question for the science fair. I can't wait to see their experiments!

2nd Grade Class 8/27/18

This afternoon, we reviewed by completing pages 7-10 in the workbook. These questions will be part of their first exam. Tomorrow the science fair topic is due. 

2nd Grade Class 8/24/18

This afternoon, we reviewed the life cycle of a plant by acting out each step. Then, we viewed videos on plant parts and their life cycle. 

2nd Grade Class 8/22/18

This afternoon, we began class by completing workbook page 6 together as a class. Then, we read pages 32-33 aloud together and discussed the structure of seeds. The students took notes on these pages. 

2nd Grade Class 8/20/18

This afternoon, as a class we observed, described, and drew the dry lima beans. We discussed what we saw and then as a class we completed page 3 in the workbook. 

2nd Grade Class 8/17/18

This afternoon, as a class, we played a review game to review Lesson 1: What Living Things Need. We verbally completed the Think, Talk, and Write activity on page 27 of the textbook. The students practiced drawing living and nonliving things.