3rd Grade Science

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Important: Test date change!

Due to English week activities on Tuesday, February 19th, the science exam is moved to Wednesday, February 20th. 

3rd Grade Class 2/11/19

This morning, the students used class time to copy the Exam 5 Review. We will continue wit this tomorrow. The review can be found in a previous post as it was posted last week. 
*Exam 5 is on Tuesday, February 19th. 

3rd Grade Class 2/8/19

This morning, we reviewed the natural disasters from yesterday. Today, we discussed how organisms respond to changes in the environment. We discussed in great detail the images and interactions on pages 166-167. We read these pages as well as pages 168 and 170. We completed workbook page 68. 

3rd Grade Class 2/7/19

This morning, we reviewed how organisms and humans can change an environment. We also reviewed how humans can protect the environment. 
We read pages 162-163 about natural disasters. We completed workbook pages 63-64 and took notes on the new content. 

3rd Grade Class 2/6/19

This morning, we reviewed pages that the students worked with while I was away. We talked about how organisms and people can change environments and also how we can protect them (pages 152-156),
*Exam 5 on Chapter 4 Lessons 1-2 will be on February 19th. 

3rd Grade Class 1/25/19

This morning, the students completed the back page of their homework assessment. They were instructed to write a complete sentence in the box of each physical characteristic that tells how it helps the animal. 
After, I collected the assignment and we read pages 140-142 about water ecosystems and how the animals and plants that live in them can adapt to their conditions. 

3rd Grade Class 1/24/19

This morning, we checked the workbook pages the students completed yesterday. Then, we worked in reading groups. Each group had a different passage. They read the passage about an animal once through. Then, they read the comprehension questions together. During the second read, they focused on highlighting/underlining information that pertains to the questions they read. 
After their group work, they went back to their seats and I demonstrated how they should set up their lined paper to answer the comprehension questions. We practiced using the question in the answer. Students should finish this assignment (ONLY the front) for homework. They should be answering the comprehension questions on a lined piece of paper.
*Exam 4 grades were written in the back of each child's notebook. 

3rd Grade Class 1/23/19

This morning, the students worked independently. They read pages 139-142 and worked on workbook pages 56-61. We will be going over this in class tomorrow. 


Exam 4 is on Tuesday, January 22nd. The review and the review with answers are both posted on your child's grade-level page. 

3rd Grade Class 1/18/19

This morning, I collected the adaptations homework. Students that failed to submit the assignment, will have deductions for each day the assignment is late. 
We spent the class discussing the adaptations that the students learned from the reading/assignment yesterday. Then, we watched a video on adaptations and read pages 137-139 in the book. We discussed how animals in the desert and forest adapt to survive. 

3rd Grade Class 1/17/19

Thursdays are reading and writing in science days! We had a great class today! The students worked in small "reading clubs". They were given a handout to read about a specific animal and how its adapts. The students took turns reading together in their groups. I worked with each group to underline important information. After they read together twice, they worked on the comprehension questions independently. We are working on writing in complete sentences and using the question in the answer. 
For homework, the students need to complete the final page of this packet. They need to write a paragraph about the adaptations of the animal they read about. In addition, students that did not complete the classwork, need to complete it at home. 
I am collecting this at the beginning of class tomorrow for points.